Monday, August 16, 2021

IN the NEWS - Taking a Page from the Pandemic Playbook

 Taking a Page from the Pandemic Playbook let the Scaremongering Commence of the Papal inspired 
LAUDATO SI' type inspired gobblygook---Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre, the crowning city, whose merchants are princes, whose traffickers are the honorable of the earth? Isaiah 23:8

"On Monday morning millions of smartphone users awoke to a
flurry of push alerts from news organizations touting urgent, ground-breaking news: what Bloomberg described as an "epochal" new report from "the world's top climate scientists" warned that the planet will likely warm by 1.5ºC over the next two decades...without a dramatic reduction in emissions resulting from a change in human activity.
 The report represents the latest update from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Although scientists have been warning for years that climate change represents an apocalyptic threat to the human race (it's the stated motive behind Elon Musk's mission to Mars), this latest report "for the first time speaks with certainty about the total responsibility of human activity for rising temperatures" human responsibility for climate change hasn't been a 'sure thing' in the eyes of science...until now? CNN added that the scientific community has concluded for the first time that human responsibility is "unequivocal".
Bloomberg explains it thusly, while also noting the timing of the report, arriving just three months before the UN's next round of climate talks - setting up three months of media programming about the importance of these talks:

"More than any other forecast or record, this report’s determinations establish a powerful global consensus less than three months before the UN’s COP26 international climate talks."

Here are some of the key findings a...The report was signed by 234 scientists from 60 countries. Temperatures will continue to rise until "at least" 2050, causing "further extreme weather events." And without “immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions" reductions, stopping global warming will be impossible, as the global temperature will likely rise 2C above pre-industrial levels by 2100.

The AP called this next detail the "Big Catch" from the report: Meeting the most ambitious goal of the Paris accord, which involves keeping temperature increases to 1.5°C by the end of the century, is believed to only be possible via what is known as "negative emissions": That means sucking more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere than is added. In other words, being "emissions neutral" or "zero emissions" or whatever American Tech giants like Microsoft are calling it these days, is no longer enough." ZeroHedge