Friday, August 27, 2021

IN the News - Rise of the Ecosexuals

 "Annie Sprinkle is famous (or infamous) as a “performance artist” a

certified sexologist and advocate for sex work and healthcare … a sex educator, feminist stripper, pornographic actress, sex film producer and sex positive feminist” who “identifies as ecosexual.” 

CNN celebrated her with a feature article, “The ‘ecosexuals’ hosting joyful weddings to the Earth.” Sprinkle and her lesbian partner Beth Stephens “married the Earth in 2008” and go around doing well-attended “weddings” in which they’ve married the earth, the sky, the moon, the Adriatic Sea, and more. 

Romans 1 warns that those who worship the creature rather than the Creator become fools. God gives them over to a depraved mind to do what is contrary to nature—particularly what is contrary to our sexual nature, that is, homosexuality.

These women, and those who join them in celebrating “ecosexuality,” go even farther than homosexuality in their rebellion. 

Sprinkle and Stephens may think themselves nature worshipers. In reality, by rejecting God and true sexuality, they’ve turned their backs on nature, too, by treating it as what it’s not—an object of worship." Fulcrum7/G.W.

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.  Romans 1:25