Monday, August 30, 2021

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia's Lab in India: "Mystery Fever" Next?

 ....for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12

"Black fungus, white fungus, and yellow fungus - India has seen all sorts of strange diseases that lead to the loss of jaw bones, eyes, and other horrifying complications. These fungal infections have mostly been observed in people who have recently recovered from


A "mystery fever" that has killed nearly 70 people, including 40 children, in a week has terrified the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Most of the deceased reported high fever, dehydration, and a sudden drop in platelet count, while others had dengue symptoms.

The situation in the districts is alarming", Manish Asija, a member of the legislative assembly, said, adding that "waterlogging, lack of sanitation and hygiene are the reasons behind the disease spread".

The Times of India reported that 72 children out of 135 are fighting for their lives at the Firozabad Medical College, with over 50 percent of them displaying dengue symptoms.

According to health officials, 12 children have succumbed to the fever in the last 24 hours alone.

The exact cause is being studied”, the chief medical officer Dr Neeta Kulshrestha, said.

Neeta Kulshrestha further added that all patients at government hospitals are being tested for COVID, but so far none of the viral infection cases can be linked.

Viral fever patients are being admitted in COVID-19 wards. Doctors and paramedics are on alert. The intensity of the fever is worrying. Children are taking two weeks to recover”." Sputnik