Sunday, August 1, 2021

HEALTH NOTE: 47 Mask Study Series- #7

I wish above all things that thou mayest... be in health... 
3 John 1:2
7.  Face seal leakage of half masks and surgical masks

The filtration efficiency of the filter materials was good, over 95%, for particles above 5 micron in diameter but great variation existed for smaller particles.

Coronavirus is 0.125 microns. therefore these masks wouldn’t protect you from the virus

Study article:

Q: WHY can't we get our POLITICIANS to be Honest about this? WHY the DISHONEST Mask Games?
Q: WHY, in light of potential ADE, are our POLITICIANS at least not Warning us while encouraging the Jab? Just give adults ALL info and let them decide IF they want this in their body?...IN OTHER WORDS what's the Benefit vs. risk ratio?
 "Speaker Nancy Pelosi is bringing the masks back. The California Congresswoman is reimplementing House rules to and mandating
that members wear them in the Capitol building, regardless of vaccination status.

NBC News reported on the CDC guidance reversal on Tuesday. In a remarkable turn of events, it appears the ‘vaccinated’ could still be spreading the virus to others.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended Tuesday that fully vaccinated people begin wearing masks indoors again in places with high Covid-19 transmission rates,” NBC News reported. “The agency is also recommending kids wear masks in schools this fall.”

 “Federal health officials still believe fully vaccinated individuals represent a very small amount of transmission,” the report continued. “Still, some vaccinated people could be carrying higher levels of the virus than previously understood and potentially transmit it to others.”

 Dr. Robert Malone warns that the development of antibody dependent enhancement among those vaccinated with COVID vaccines 'is the vaccinologist’s worst nightmare.' 

Dr. Malone notably .... been the chief inventor of mRNA technology and mRNA and DNA innovations while working with the Salk Institute in the 1980s. Both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines rely on mRNA technology. Malone is also a licensed physician who received his medical training at Northwestern University, Harvard University medical school, and UC Davis. 

Malone responded to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recent reversal on face masks, noting what he called “increasingly desperate and abrupt rollouts of information.” 

We’ve seen a progression of increasingly desperate and abrupt rollouts of information, beginning with Pfizer’s alert a couple of

weeks ago that they think we were going to need to have a booster after six months, and Fauci reprimanding them, and then the government flip-flopping and saying that we were going to have to have boosters for Pfizer recipients after six months in elderly and immunocompromised, and then the bomb dropped last night,” Malone said. “And I’m afraid that it’s precisely what I have been concerned about.”   

He noted a report by NBC News on Tuesday that claimed that the CDC’s backtrack on masks reflected data showing that vaccinated people “could be carrying higher levels of virus than previously understood” and possibly infecting others, according to “multiple sources” close to the Biden administration. The NBC article has been heavily edited since publication.  

Based on statements in the report, Malone inferred that viral levels were higher in vaccinated people than in unvaccinated people. As he later explained on Twitter, this has not been resolved. 

A CDC report published today said that viral loads between the vaccinated and unvaccinated are likely “similar,” though “microbiological studies are required to confirm these findings.”  

This is precisely what one would see if antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) was happening,” Malone said regarding higher virus levels among the vaccinated. 

Q: What is antibody dependent enhancement? Briefly, it’s that the vaccine causes the virus to become more infectious than would happen in the absence of vaccination, would cause the virus to replicate at higher levels than in the absence of infection.

This is the vaccinologist’s worst nightmare. It happened with the respiratory syncytial virus and in the ‘60s and caused more child deaths in vaccine recipients than unvaccinated. It happened with Dengvaxia, the dengue vaccine,” Malone continued." Lifesite

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2