Monday, August 30, 2021

HEALTH NOTE: 47 Mask Study Series- #36

I wish above all things that thou mayest... be in health... 
 3 John 1:2
36. Do N95 respirators provide 95% protection level against airborne viruses, and how adequate are surgical masks?

The n95 filtering respirators may not provide expected protection level against small virons

Study article: Lifesite

Q: Knowing what SDA Ben Carson says is true---how can the SDA Lake Union Herald print the garbage they just printed?
Q: IF the vax doesn't prevent you from spreading it---then why do some of our church leaders take a wrong, hard headed stand? 

"The mandating of vaccines could shape a terrible future, the former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, and fellow Seventh-day Adventist recently warned.

"The really important thing here is for us to recognize that this is America that we're living in," Carson told Monday's "Eric Bolling: The Balance."

"This is a place where people came so that they could be free. And the whole concept of mandates, no matter how wonderful you think they are, are opening the door to something that could be pretty terrible in the future."

Carson shared his concern that politicians could impose "some types of penalties" on Americans for having unorthodox views, and that is something "we have to think about."

Carson believes vaccines are good, but vaccination mandates, however, are not, he said.

The retired neurosurgeon concluded that "the damage that we do with mandates that are unnecessary is tremendous. And we can't afford it."

Ben also said that the United States is moving towards an aggressive totalitarian government.

We know that the United States will demonstrate totalitarian leadership in the Time of the End. It has to happen. In a real sense, it is less about people than it is about principalities and powers seeking control over the earth. But people are the pawns in such totalitarian impulses, and all must choose which side they will honor, whether it be the divine liberty of God, or the compelling duress of the enemies of God. As it is written in Desire of Ages 321,

We must inevitably be under the control of the one or the other of the two great powers that are contending for the supremacy of the world. It is not necessary for us deliberately to choose the service of the kingdom of darkness in order to come under its dominion. We have only to neglect to ally ourselves with the kingdom of light.

The time will come when we shall be brought before councils and before thousands for His name's sake, and each one will have to give the reason of his faith. Let us remain faithful today, that we may stand during the tests of tomorrow." Fulcrum7

"......the following statement was printed in the Lake Union Herald this past week, stating that it is “appropriate” for those conscientious individuals who remain unvaccinated to have their travel, employment, and participation in society restricted. (But that’s not a “mandate,” so it’s all good…). Nick Miller writes:

I'm not arguing for mandatory vaccination. But I am saying that your choice not to be vaccinated will appropriately come with limitations on community participation, work and travel.”

I don’t take it personally that this brother in Christ advocated for my family to have their freedoms taken away.
The only possible justification to even begin a debate about whether we should publicly advocate restricting the freedoms of the unvaccinated is that the vaccine prevents you from transmitting the virus – if you don’t take the shot you might unknowingly put others in harm’s way; but the vaccine prevents transmission, so you must take it or be punished.  

So, the pivotal question (the only question, really) is, does the vaccine prevent the vaccinated from transmitting the virus? 

Here’s the latest from CDC Director, Rochelle Walenski:

"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well with delta with regard to severe illness and death, but what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."

Our vaccines can’t prevent transmission.

She explains that the vaccines can reduce symptoms and save lives. No mention of the risks of the vaccines, but for the sake of argument – awesome; praise God; saving lives. But that’s not enough to force them on people. As a personal choice, people weigh their risk factors and choose to vaccinate or not vaccinate. If they are persuaded that the vaccine has a better chance of saving their life than hurting them, they take it. 

But the discussion about mandates isn’t about the vaccine saving your life or not, which is merely a personal decision. The argument for mandates rests upon an entirely different premise, a totally different discussion – that the vaccine protects others from you. You must take the vaccine so you don’t spread the virus

But we’ve learned that the vaccines cannot prevent transmission. “Our vaccines… can’t… prevent transmission.”  So that ends the mandate discussion before it begins." Fulcrum7

 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2