Tuesday, August 24, 2021

HEALTH NOTE: 47 Mask Study Series- #30

I wish above all things that thou mayest... be in health... 
 3 John 1:2
30. Adolescents’ face mask usage and contact transmission in novel Coronavirus

Face mask surfaces can become contamination sources. People are storing them in their pockets, bags, putting them on tables, people are reusing them etc. This is why this study is relevant:

Study article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32582579/ Lifesite

Q: WHY is this not a bigger story?
Q: Even though we are not wholly anti-vax on the vaccine----wouldn't it still make sense to WARN people about the problems for the vax so as to decide for themselves?
"Admittedly, people face a difficult decision on whether or not to take a COVID vaccine. So much information tells the ugly story of people who have suffered illness or death because they were not vaccinated. But Americans who have taken COVID vaccine shots and those who have refused to capitulate to the coercion and
propaganda are ill-informed about blood clots, as well as about the limits of vaccines as shown by high numbers of breakthrough infections in the vaccinated.

If you only consider statistics about the number of people benefitting from vaccines versus lower numbers experiencing bad side effects, you might dismiss the negatives in favor of the positives. But there is significant uncertainty about longer-term negative vaccine impacts that may affect a lot of vaccinated people.

Dr. Charles Hoffe has been practicing medicine for 28 years in a small, rural town in British Columbia, Canada, and recently gave a long interview. He has given about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA vaccine to his patients. So, contrary to some critics, he is no anti-vaccine doctor.

The core problem he has seen are microscopic clots in his patients’ tiniest capillaries. He said, “Blood clots occurring at a capillary level. This has never before been seen. This is not a rare disease. This is an absolutely new phenomenon.”

Most importantly, he has emphasized these micro-clots are too small to show up on CT scans, MRI, and other conventional tests, such as angiograms, and can only be detected using the D-dimer blood test, a standard test that indicates whether blood clots are being actively formed somewhere within a person’s vascular system.

Using the latter, he found that 62 percent of his patients injected with an mRNA shot were positive for clotting, not a small fraction that can be easily dismissed.

He has explained that what is happening in bodies is that the spike proteins in the vaccine become “part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. This means that these cells which line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, now have these little spikey bits sticking out.  … when the platelet comes through the capillary, it suddenly hits all these COVID spikes, and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel.

He made an important distinction: “The blood clots we hear about, which the media claim are very rare, are the big blood clots, which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.”

The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot re-generate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots, they are permanently damaged.”

This is his pessimistic, scientific view: “blood vessels in their lungs are now blocked up. In turn, this causes the heart to need to work harder to try to keep up against a much greater resistance trying to get the blood through your lungs. This is called pulmonary artery hypertension – high blood pressure in the lungs because the blood simply cannot get through effectively." Lifesite
 It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: 
Psalm 127:2