Friday, August 20, 2021

HEALTH NOTE: 47 Mask Study Series- #26

I wish above all things that thou mayest... be in health... 
 3 John 1:2
26. Modeling of the Transmission of Coronaviruses, Measles Virus, Influenza Virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Legionella pneumophila in Dental Clinics

Evidence to suggest that transmission probability is strongly driven by indoor air quality, followed by patient effectiveness and the least by respiratory protection via mask use.

So this could explain “second waves” and has nothing to do with hand shaking, or not wearing a mask.

Study article: Lifestyle

Q: HOW many more of these Politicians will be caught being HYPOCRITES before people get it?
Q: WHY are those Loudest in Pushing Tools & Mechanisms that don't work the First to Violate them?
"Radical left congresswoman Rashida Tlaib blasted Republican Senator Rand Paul on Sunday after he posted a video blasting the “mandates, lockdowns and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and bureaucrats.”
Tlaib attacked Paul, claiming he was “throwing a tantrum” in his video stating: “The KY Senator is throwing a tantrum as his state is being swallowed whole by this virus, again. People are getting sick and dying 98 counties in Kentucky have a high incidence rate of COVID-19. He needs to put politics aside, and put people first. Start resisting the virus.
Tlaib immediately turned herself into a massive hypocrite considering just the night before, Tlaib was seen dancing around maskless with other guests at a wedding
The footage was taken at a wedding in Wayne County, Michigan, by Bassam Saleh, a band from Dearborn, Michigan that was performing at the affair,” the Daily Mail reported. “Clips show Tlaib dancing among a cramped group of wedding guests, holding hands and hugging members of the crowd.” ZeroHedge
They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily. Psalm73:8