Wednesday, August 11, 2021

HEALTH NOTE: 47 Mask Study Series- #17

 I wish above all things that thou mayest... be in health...   
3 John 1:2
17. Why Masks Don’t Work Against COVID-19

The site is full of studies proving masks don't work for coronavirus or the flu.

Article: aMij03Cj0fgTcm_gm5jhXcMkO8GcH3Kur-bwib0o8rf8 Lifesite

Q: Anyone Surprised in the story below?
Q: Anyone else besides me get an LOL out of it?

"The Wall Street Journal has documented multiple instances of fake vaccination cards and their proliferation on the internet, based
largely on the relatively easy to forge initial CDC vaccination cards. "In the U.S., fake vaccination cards purportedly issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have appeared for sale on sites such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy,"...

Currently there's talk in the US of implementing a uniform digital vaccination "proof" for each person fully vaccinated; however, as the WSJ details further in Europe where such an EU pass does exist, fakes are still popping up all over

Despite the more-secure format, fake versions of the EU digital certificate have multiplied. In Italy, there are about 30 social-media profiles purporting to sell fake certificates, about 500 of which have been sold in the past few months, according to Ivano Gabrielli, an Italian police commander who oversees online fraud investigations. Telegram is the main platform being used for the sale of the fake certificates, he said.

Ultimately the current fakes that are out there, especially the digital fakes, are believed to be easily detectable." ZeroHedge
 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine... Proverbs 17:22