Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Creation Moment 8/4/2021 - "Greatest Mystery in the Universe"

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7

"Last month, New Scientist magazine called consciousnessthe greatest mystery in the universe.” The writers in this special issue on consciousness affirm that consciousness resides in the brain, “the most complex thing in the universe.” Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku added that

The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron

connected to 10,000 other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.” As long as humans have existed, people have sought to comprehend the brain. Although scholars have tried to decipher its codes for centuries, we’ve only scratched the surface.

The more we learn about the brain, the more complex we realize it is, no matter how complexity is measured. Likewise, the more we learn about consciousness, the more complex we realize it is by any estimation. How a three-pound physical jelly-like brain creates the feeling of consciousnessis one of life’s greatest mysteries.” Hum
We know the brain sees, not the eye. The visual image produced by the signals ends up in the conscious mind, but we have no idea exactly where in the brain that mental picture exists (assuming it can be located at a specific physical location). 
All of the evolutionary theories of consciousness discuss why consciousness is very useful (which is obvious), but none of them give a detailed account of how it could have evolved. The main evolutionary theory goes like this: a diverse set of neural circuits evolved that produce various neuromodulators. These systems were selected over evolutionary time for their contribution to longevity and reproductive success. And yet we all sense that many things going on in our minds have nothing to do with reproductive success.

The creation view, by contrast, is rich with mental experience. The brain was designed to facilitate not only survival but also to produce pleasure, such as illustrated by the universal enjoyment of music, dance, and social interaction.

Consciousness appears to be spatially located in the brain, and the brain is scientifically recognized as the most complicated object in the known universe." JerryBergman