Saturday, August 14, 2021

Creation Moment 8/15/2021 - From Bears and/or Wolves? What?

What happens when a whale is stranded on the beach out of water? The same thing that would happen to a wolf like creature stuck in the ocean---neither would live long enough to supposedly evolve anything....just a thought to ponder...

"The Genesis record says that God made “great sea creatures” on Day 5 of creation week (And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth,...Genesis 1:21). Presumably this included whales. Today’s evolutionary biologists long ago tossed out Genesis as a silly creation myth of ancient people who didn’t know science. So they invented silly creation myths of their own, one being that great whales descended from a four-legged land animal. 
--Darwin thought it was a bear
--Today’s consensus compares it to a wolf with a long snout. This story, said to be supported by fossils from Pakistan, is touted as one of the prime evidences for “great transformations” over millions of Darwin Years. 
The fossil props they celebrate for this transition do not hold up
under scrutiny. Genetically, it is impossible anyway. In his book Zombie Science (see also this article at Evolution News), 
--- Jonathan Wells says that thousands of beneficial mutations would be required to turn a land animal into an obligate swimmer. A whale has to perform everything underwater, including reproduction, locomotion, feeding, and sensing. The nasal passages had to move to the top of the head, and include new echolocation equipment. The feet had to become flippers. All the senses had to be overhauled. It’s a mind-boggling change!

How many coordinated changes would that take? In the film Living Waters, Dr Richard Sternberg calculates that the probability to get two coordinated beneficial mutations (just two) would vastly exceed the time available between the putative ancestor and a modern whale. Little wonder that Wells calls whale evolution a fairy tale. 

Nevertheless, it is a fairy tale that the totalitarian Darwin Empire requires students to learn, because they cannot allow a divine foot in the door. They have to invent just-so stories because of their prior commitment to materialism." CEH