Sunday, August 1, 2021

Creation Moment 8/1/2021 - Paul (Scripture) Vs. Nuwaubians

For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
1 Timothy 2:14
"Nuwaubianism created the myth that fetuses that survived
abortion live in drains
, where they are organizing to take over and rule the world. 

According to this myth, men came from women

Rather than giving birth to men, women created them by manipulating the genes." IshtarRoy

"Nuwaubian movement is an American new religious movement founded and led by Dwight York, also known as Malachi Z. York. York began founding Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967. He changed his teachings and the names of his groups many times, incorporating concepts from Judaism, Christianity, UFO religions, and many esoteric

beliefs. ...By 2000, the "United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors" ....drew thousands of visitors for "Savior's Day" (York's birthday, June 26). Adherence declined steeply after York was convicted of numerous counts of child molestation and financing violations, and sentenced to 135 years in federal prison in April 2004. The Tama-Re compound was sold under government forfeiture and demolished......described York as a "black supremacist cult leader"...York styled his movement in a mixture of Ancient Egypt and Native American themes...... the Nuwaubians borrowed a claim to indigenous ancestry, perhaps from the Washitaw Nation (a Louisiana Black separatist group led by an eccentric 'empress'). They claimed to be indigenous people, named Yamasee (claiming affiliation with the confederation of Muscogee (Creek) Native American nations in the Georgia area) as well as "Moors." They claimed a prehistoric migration to America "before the continents drifted apart"...York presided at Tama-Re styled as "Our Own Pharoah NETER A'aferti Atum-Re", leader and chief mystagogue of "The Ancient Egyptian Order."... In 1999, Al Sharpton visited Tama-Re to express his support for the Nuwaubians." wiki