Monday, August 9, 2021

Creation Moment 8/10/2021 - Unique Venus Mechanism

 All these interconnected Mechanisms that function to run even an uninhabited planet that still serves a purpose (whether we understand it or not) shows Design, Thought and Planning put into it's Creation...Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.. Hebrews 11:3

Venus — a terrestrial planet with a size similar to Earth — is covered by a thick atmosphere mainly composed of carbon dioxide,” said University of Tokyo’s Professor Takeshi Imamura.

Sulfuric acid clouds, which are thought to be produced from sulfur dioxide abundant in the atmosphere, cover the entire surface at altitudes of about 31-43.5 miles.

A global westward wind called the superrotation prevails with a maximum speed of about 100 m/s around the cloud-top level of 40.4-43.5 miles, corresponding to a rotation period of about 4 days, in contrast to the planetary rotation period of about 243 days.”

Superrotation also exists in the atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan and is thought to occur on tidally locked exoplanets.

“....Venus is a special case as the entire weather system rotates very quickly, so we had to compensate for this movement, known as superrotation, in order to highlight interesting formations for study.”

We were finally able to observe the north-south winds, known as meridional circulation, at night,” he said.

What’s surprising is these run in the opposite direction to their daytime counterparts.”

Such a dramatic change cannot occur without significant consequences. This observation could help us build more accurate models of the Venusian weather system which will hopefully resolve some long-standing, unanswered questions about Venusian weather ......” SciNews