Friday, July 16, 2021

Papal Notes - Another Head of Little Horn Entity Soon?

....whose look was more stout than his fellows.
Daniel 7:20 
"Jesuit Father Thomas Reese wrote Tuesday “the hospitalization of Pope Francis marks the beginning of the end of his papacy,” adding time “is running out” for the 84-year-old pope.
The progressive Father Reese, who stumped for “Catholics for Biden” and has urged his fellow Catholics to support “pro-choice Democrats,” states that the Francis pontificate will only be a success “if he is followed by popes who are in sync with his approach to Catholicism, and this is not guaranteed.”

The priest makes the curious claim that Francis has treated his opponents “with the gentleness of a pastor who hopes for their conversion,” insisting that “Francis refuses to fire people,” which will come as news to the many conservatives like Cardinal Raymond Burke or Cardinal Gerhard Müller whom Francis unceremoniously dumped.

Reese also declares that Francis has “encouraged dialogue and a

more consultative style of governance,” a claim Vatican watchers will find astonishing, since he is known to many in Rome as the most autocratic pontiff since Julius II (1503-1513).

Unlike his predecessors John Paul II and Benedict, who seemed to relish and actively seek out dialogue with those who disagreed with them, Francis surrounds himself with like-minded prelates, and would not even deign to answer four cardinals who put forth doubts (dubia) regarding possibly ambiguous teaching, asking for a clarification.

In short, Francis has rebranded the papacy for the 21st century with a pastoral, prophetic and inclusive voice,” Reese asserts. “We may look back at his hospitalization as the moment that marked the beginning of the end of his papacy,” he proposes." Breitbart