Sunday, July 4, 2021

Lust for Power

"Christ became poor that we might become rich. 
The great apostle who was chosen to give the message to kings, and to the great men of the earth, said in view of His hoped-for visit to the capital of the world, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Romans 1.16
The one thing that the entire world is seeking after is power
Some seek it by means of wealth
others through politics
others through learning
and still others in various other ways; 
but in whatever enterprise men engage, the object is the same, power of some kind
There is unrest in the heart of every man, an unsatisfied longing, placed there by God Himself. The mad ambition that drives some to trample on scores of their fellow-creatures, the unceasing struggle for wealth, and the reckless round of pleasures into which many plunge, are all vain endeavors to satisfy this longing. 
God has not placed in the human heart a longing for any of these things; but the quest for them is a perversion of that desire which He has implanted in the human..... He desires that man should have His power; but none of the things, which men ordinarily seek, give the power of God....none of these things satisfy." E.J.Waggoner