Monday, July 12, 2021

IN the NEWS - XR the New Emerging Global Religion

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.... Galatians 1:6

"Present-day moralizers have merely changed the religion. 
--It is no longer hell – spiritual death – but extinction of all life
--it is no longer eternal salvation but comfortable existence here and now
--it is no longer Satan and his devils but technology and governments
--it is no longer God and his angels but humanity in its many manifestations like “ethnicity, race, class, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexuality, age, income, ability, education, appearance, immigration status, belief or non-belief and activist experience” (the usual string of words); 
--it is no longer moral sin but pollution of the environment
--no longer virtuous life but life dedicated to ecology
--no longer God’s wrath but nature’s wrath
--no longer the Mother of God but Mother Earth.
The jabber of the XR [eXtinction Rebellion] movement

If you are determined enough to read such you can glean a few eye-opening items of information here and there. Here they are.

[1] The Extinction Rebellion movement is confident in its ability to change the future. They quote experts that it is enough for there to be 3.5% of engaged members of a society to take charge of the course

of history.

[2] These 3.5% will be organized in citizens’ assemblies (in good old times in north-eastern latitudes such structures were known as soviets which means councils) which through civil disobedience – i.e. acts of occupying roads, blockading bridges, disrupting businesses and creatively disrupting the work of banks which finance the climate crisis, with all this coupled with “ceremony and prayer (in ways that are neither dogmatic nor expected) as formats to find inspiration from things bigger than ourselves” – all in an attempt to capture government and media attention and demand deep decarbonization.

[3] Citizens’ assemblies will make up participative democracy where decisions will be made collectively. An assembly like that might comprise “a mother of three from the east of the country, a teenaged university student from an ethnic minority group, and a retired police officer from the north” who will “deliberate and delivers its recommendations to the government.”

[4] The current toxic(!) system with its hierarchy of – yes, you guessed it right! – race, class, gender, sexuality, etc. (read the whole list earlier in this text, if you wish) must be challenged and “broken down” because such a world is deeply unjust and not safe for “those lower down these hierarchies” because for the world to be a “safe for everyone, it needs to be safe for the most marginalized” which is why XR activists “aim to live in a world where these hierarchies no longer exist.”

[5] The XR movement denounces – surprise, surprise! – “discriminatory behavior, language or behavior that exhibits racial domination, sexism, anti-semitism, islamophobia, homophobia, ableism, class discrimination, prejudice around age and all other forms of oppression.” They want to “ensure everyone has a voice and an influence” and they seek to “equalize power by disrupting the usual pillars of power that govern our lives.” ZeroHedge