Sunday, July 25, 2021

IN the NEWS - Will Climate Alarmists Eventually Scare the World (into LAUDATO SI?)

This is the kind of Nonsense that could unite the world behind LAUDATO set aside

a day to let the earth rest....REMEMBER, the Mark of the Beast isn't about the environment---it's about religion/worship--BUT, this could be a way to get everyone on board....LAUDATO SI style.....there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. Revelation 16:2

"As record heat waves hit western North America and deadly floods swept Germany, the growing risks associated with climate change have grabbed headlines, and prompted widespread discussions in the West.

Scientists have been warning for years that the climate crisis would amplify extreme weather, making it deadlier and more frequent —
and the latest catastrophes are seen as a timely reminder the threat could hit much closer to home than some might think.
But this week, with much of China's central Henan province devastated by record rains,....At one point, the provincial capital of Zhengzhou was pelted by nearly 8 inches (20 centimeters) of rain
in an hour. In just three days, it had 24 inches (61 centimeters) — or nearly a year's worth — of rainfall, according to the Zhengzhou meteorological station.
Zhengzhou's weather station called it a "once in a thousand years" downpour. Henan's water resources department went a step further, claiming rain levels recorded at some stations could only be seen "once every 5,000 years." CNN