Wednesday, July 14, 2021

IN the NEWS - Papal Green Sunday of India

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. 
Revelation 17:18
 "July 4, 2021, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Agartala, located in Northeastern India, together with the government’s forest department observed July 4, as “Green Sunday.” This project is in response to Pope Francis’ call in his encyclical, Laudato Si’, to protect “Mother Earth.” Herald Malaysia reported the following:

The diocese of Agartala, which covers the entire state of Tripura in northeastern India, observed July 4 as ‘Green Sunday’ in response to Pope Francis’ call to protect environment … Bishop Monteiro said the diocesan celebration aims to preserve, protect and promote the mother earth … The Church observed the Green Sunday in collaboration with the government’s forest department every year.” 

A precedent is being set for the coming tyranny as political powers unite with Rome to commemorate “Green Sunday” in obedience to the Pope’s climate encyclical. One must grasp the magnitude of what is happening before our eyes: the complete surrender of secular governments to the first beast of Revelation 13." AdventMessenger