Tuesday, July 27, 2021

IN the NEWS - Nanny State-mania in the name of COVID and Mother Earth

Nanny State in Name of COVID and the Environment:

Q: How might these excuses for a Nanny State invading your private life be used to help implement and monitor people during the Mark of the Beast?.....blending the mentality of environmentalism and COVID "crises" policies where  freedoms are sacrificed on their altar.....maybe something like a so-called climate lockdown on maybe Sundays?...TOOLS and MECHANISMS BEING LAID...bottom line here: they are tampering with your buying and selling...and we all know where that could eventually lead---And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark... Revelation 13:7

"Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to launch a communist China-style social credit score app that will reward families based on government-approved choices at the grocery store.

The supposedly Conservative government will launch an app by the end of the year to monitor the supermarket spending habits of families in the UK. Those who choose “healthier” options such as fruits and vegetables or engage in exercise will be rewarded with “loyalty points” in the app, which will translate into discounts and other incentives.

Some have criticized the nanny state mentality of the government, likening the program to the social credit score in China, which tracks the habits of citizens, awarding positive points for buying things like diapers and subtractions for buying alcohol. The communist scheme has also seen tens of millions of citizens barred from traveling because their score was too low.

 “Countries, where more than half the population are overweight, have had 10 times more Covid death,” Lord Stevens noted.

The review went on to say that Britons should seek out “alternative” sources of protein in lieu of eating meat, including consuming lab-grown meat, which they claimed was better for the environment." Breitbart