Sunday, July 4, 2021

IN the NEWS - Disturbing News out of Spain & France

 Here we Western Democracies are now laying a dangerous groundwork... 

First off, the pandemic isn't even as dangerous as the Spanish Flu---yet mandatory vaccination is being considered. As a free thinking adult you should be able to weigh the pro's and cons of what you can put in your body.
Second, seizure of private property, even in the name of health, is what you would expect in a totalitarian regime.
Q: How might these (for the moment only proposed) expansions of government power as a form of coercion play out in relation to the mark of the beat?...just a thought to ponder... and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Rev. 13:19
"After Prime Minister Jean Castex announced that he would push for the compulsory vaccination of caregivers, the French Senate expressed their desire to expand the measure to cover young and middle-aged adults.

The body published a report from its Common Mission of

Information on Thursday, advocating for mandatory vaccinations of young to middle-aged adults on the grounds it could significantly lower hospitalization rates and deaths,” reports RT.

The report issued a stern warning: “act now to limit impact.”

Mandatory vaccines are being pushed partly because the country is lagging behind other European countries in their rollout, with under a quarter of people aged 30-49 having been inoculated and only half of 50-64 year-olds receiving the jab.

The government is also considering sending doctors lists of people who haven’t taken the vaccine so they can be pressured into getting it, while the ability for the unvaccinated to submit negative COVID tests in order to be able to travel could also be withdrawn." ZeroHedge

"The prominent Spanish daily El País is reporting a hugely alarming scenario in which Spain's central government is mulling a national mobilization and "security law" which would compel citizens to "temporarily" give up their rights in instances of future public health crises or emergencies such as happened with the coronavirus pandemic.

The law is currently at the level of a mere proposal but worrisomely

it would elevate matters of public health to the level of 'national security' - as El País spells out based on a translation of its reporting: "Any person of legal age shall be obliged to carry out the 'personal obligations' required by the competent authorities, following the guidelines of the National Security Council, when a state of crisis is declared in Spain. In this case, all citizens without exception must comply with the orders and instructions issued by the authorities."

Consider just how far this Orwellian proposal goes, as reported on in El País:

In the event that a state of crisis is declared in Spain ('situation of interest to National Security' is the name given by law), the authorities may also proceed to the temporary requisition of all types of property, at the intervention or provisional occupation of those that are necessary or the suspension of all kinds of activities.

The backers of the future legislation are seeking to assure the public that "compensation" would eventually follow; however, it would clearly given permanent and endless powers to any ruling government which decided to enact it based on a real or manufactured "crisis"." ZeroHedge