Friday, July 16, 2021

IN the NEWS - CULT of the Mother

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6
When the Climate Change Cult of Mother Earth wields the power over the choice of how many children to have....

"..... the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan
, made a strong argument favoring smaller families when they recently welcomed their second child, a girl, and shared with the world that they will remain a family of four, and that they have no further plans to have a third child.
As such, the couple has been named environmental “role models for this decision of theirs. According to a report in The Independent, Population Matters, which is a UK-based charity that campaigns for a “sustainable human population”, has said Harry and Meghan have been chosen to receive an award for their “enlightened” decision.
In choosing and publicly declaring their intention to limit their family to two, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are helping to ensure a better future for their children and providing a role model for other families,” a spokesperson for Population Matters was quoted as saying, per the report.

 “Having a smaller family reduces our impact on the Earth, and provides a better chance for all our children, their children and future generations to flourish on a healthy planet. We commend the Duke and Duchess for taking this enlightened decision, and for affirming that a smaller family is also a happy family,” they added.

 Additionally, in his documentary on mental health, ‘The Me You Can’t See‘, Harry had described climate change as one of the two “most pressing issues” in the world." IndianExpress