Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Creation Moment 7/8/2021 - Alpha Helices & Beta Sheets Found Undermine Long Ages

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,...
Genesis 1:24
"Dinosaur soft tissue is so common now, it’s hard to make a splash in the media about it. But a funny thing happened on the way to falsifying the evolutionary timescale: the Darwinists decided to accept cognitive dissonance as a strategy. There’s no way the material could be over 60 million years old, but ----Watch how the moyboy strategy is performed in this June 30 press release from the American Chemical Society (ACS), “Digging into the molecules of fossilized dinosaur eggshells.” Always start with the propaganda statement.

Dinosaurs roamed the Earth more than 65 million years

ago, and paleontologists and amateur fossil hunters are still unearthing traces of them today. The minerals in fossilized eggs and shell fragments provide snapshots into these creatures’ early lives, as well as their fossilization processes. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry have analyzed the molecular makeup of fossilized dinosaur eggshells from Mexico, finding nine amino acids and evidence of ancient protein structures.

The big lie opening basically puts a happy mask over the Darwin scream momentarily, assuring the reader that all is well with the millions of years framework. Another part of the strategy is to quickly change the subject. The ACS plotters immediately jump to the topic of how many dinosaurs laid eggs, and what minerals the eggshells contained, as if nobody saw the falsification slip by. Calcium carbonate and other material replaced some of the original biomaterial, they say. But the truth slipped out:

Then, with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), the team found nine amino acids among the five samples, but only lysine was in all of them. In addition, they identified evidence of secondary protein structures, including turns, α-helices, β-sheets and disordered structures, which were preserved for millions of years by being engrained in the minerals. The FT-IR bands corresponding to amino acids and secondary structures could be indicative of ancestral proteins that have not been characterized before, the researchers say.

Say it isn’t so! screams Darwin, gagging on the implications.
9 amino acids found are complex, delicate molecules, including phenylalanine with a benzene ring, positively-charged histidine with its carboxylic acid group and imidazole side chain, and asparagine, a polar molecule with an α-carboxylic acid group and carboxamide side chain. 
The fact that they could differentiate nine amino acid residues along with higher-level protein structures like alpha helices and beta sheets indicates that significant original biological material survived since fossilization. How could they last tens of millions of years, when proteins decay quickly at room temperature? “Mineralized structure” is not going to extend decay for long for a dinosaur laying on the ground, being eaten by scavengers and microbes. Bioturbation by earthworms and other digging organisms would also obliterate any delicate material in relatively short order. Unless the dinosaur was buried quickly in deep sediments, it might last a few thousand years, but not millions." CEH