Sunday, July 18, 2021

Creation Moment 7/19/2021 - Mathematics of God's Mind

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Romans 1:20 [even seen in Mathematics]

"Answers in Genesis has published a talk Dr Lisle gave explaining
the basis of his ideas. In the 22-minute talk, posted on the AiG website, Lisle begins with a little bit of math behind fractals, particularly the Mandelbrot set, and then shows remarkable features of the set and the infinitely-extensive patterns it generates. These features, he reasons, could only have come from the mind of a Creator who understands mathematics. He has embedded number theory (in terms of even and odd numbers and so-called “imaginary numbers”), counting, and even arithmetic addition as ‘codes’ in the resulting patterns.
 .....we told a “tale of two mavericks” in science. One of them was Benoit Mandelbrot, for whom the famous set was named. He stood alone against the establishment, courageously working outside the
Against strong resistance and skepticism, Mandelbrot persevered in his pursuit of the truth about nature and science. Recognition did not come till he was 60 years old. Now, the establishment admits that it will require “further generations to grasp the full significance and impact of his insight far beyond the borders of mathematics.” This becomes clear as one watches Jason Lisle explain some of the intricacies that can be found mathematically and visually in fractal geometry.
 In our 2010 post, we included a link to another zoom-in video. The colors are chosen by the computer artist, but the patterns come right out of the math. At each level, patterns both unique and similar continue to emerge theoretically forever. Since 2010, several high-def renderings of Mandelbrot zoom-ins have been posted on YouTube, like “Eye of the Universe” with almost two million views and 23,000 likes, and the two-hour 4K “Trip to Infinity” with 1.6 million views, colored and shaded to look 3-D. The beauty of these artistic creations is mind-blowing; the patterns keep coming as one zooms further in.
One could argue that these videos are works of human art; and they
are. The mathematics underpinning the patterns, though, is part of the fabric of the universe. In a sense, the human input is the easy part: choosing the color scheme. The computer’s part, too, though processing-intensive, is also simple. It just keeps calculating points that are inside and outside the set according to the formula Zn2 + C = Z(n+1) . Underneath these operations is a mathematical system of relationships that leads to unexpected and surprising features. Only God could create a system gives rise to diverse applications that are both useful and beautiful.
CEH has also reported on the peculiar nature of the Fibonacci Series Fn = F(n-1) + F(n-1) (for n>2). This series also leads to incredible
and beautiful patterns. Some of these patterns are found throughout nature, such as in sunflower heads, dragonfly wings and other phenomena. The Fibonacci Series is also strongly linked to the Golden Ratio that architects find pleasing to the eye. This ratio is also ubiquitous in nature. Visual representations of these facts are beautifully portrayed by Cristobal Vila in his must-see videos Nature By Numbers and his  breathtaking masterpiece, Infinite Patterns.
And yet the geometric beauty in living things and their correspondence to Fibonacci Numbers and to the Mandelbrot Set seem hard to account for in a materialist worldview." CEH