Thursday, July 22, 2021


"I AM the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Ex. 20:2, 3.

The third of the three forms under which "the world" is embraced, and idolatry manifested, is—

"The pride of life."

The word here used to express the thought of "life" is a form of the Greek word βίος, and signifies not animal life; not the breath of life; not spiritual life; not life itself, the life which comes from God; but

"the life which we live; the life led; hence, manner of life, course of life."

The word used to express the thought of "pride" is άλaζονεία ("alazoneia"), "the character of an άλαζών ("alazon"). And an άλαζών is literally "a wanderer about the country;" hence, literally, "a false pretender, imposter, quack; hence, swaggering, boastful, braggart; and by implication, ostentation, arrogance, pride." It is the same word that is used in 1 Tim. 3:6: "Being lifted up with pride."

The closest equivalent English word is "ambition," which signifies, literally, "a going about, as of a candidate soliciting votes;" again, "the act of going about to solicit or obtain an office or other object of desire;" a "desire for some object that confers distinction;" "desire to distinguish one’s self from other men;" "desirous of obtaining power, superiority, or distinction."

Another word that corresponds to this "pride of life" and "ambition," is "self-exaltation," self-aggrandizement. The Latin word that corresponds to the Greek word used to express "pride of life," is gloriosus, and expresses the idea of worldly glory." A.T. Jones