Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The a,b,c's Lesson for us of Pharaoh's Hardening of Heart

And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened... Exodus 9:7

"God speaks to men through His servants, 
---giving cautions and warnings, 
---and rebuking sin. 
a) He gives to each an opportunity to correct his errors before they become fixed in the character; 
b) but if one refuses to be corrected, 
c) divine power does not interpose to counteract the tendency of his own action. 
a) He finds it more easy to repeat the same course. 
b) He is hardening the heart against the influence of the Holy Spirit. 
c) A further rejection of light places him where a far stronger influence will be ineffectual to make an abiding impression." E.G.W.