Saturday, June 26, 2021

Some "kill mechanisms" of the Flood

 ...the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11

"The end-Permian mass extinction — the most severe extinction event — was caused by massive volcanic eruptions in what is now Siberia.

Potential kill mechanisms triggered by emplacement of the
Siberian Traps magmas
include global warming, ultraviolet radiation exposure, hypercapnia [
excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, typically caused by inadequate respiration.], ocean acidification and anoxia,[an absence or deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissues] and toxic metal release.”

In the study, the researchers analyzed the Permian-Triassic sedimentary rocks from the Buchanan Lake section in the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian High Arctic.

They found that the samples have the lightest nickel isotope ratios ever measured in sedimentary rocks.

The only plausible explanation is that the nickel was sourced from

the volcanic terrain, very likely carried by aerosol particles and deposited in the ocean, where it dramatically changed the chemistry of seawater and severely disrupted the marine ecosystem.

The study results provide strong evidence that nickel-rich particles were aerosolized and dispersed widely, both through the atmosphere and into the ocean,” said co-author Dr. Laura Wasylenki, a researcher at Northern Arizona University.

Nickel is an essential trace metal for many organisms, but an increase in nickel abundance would have driven an unusual surge in productivity of methanogens, microorganisms that produce methane gas. Increased methane would have been tremendously harmful to all oxygen-dependent life.”

Our data provide a direct link between global dispersion of nickel-rich aerosols, ocean chemistry changes and the mass extinction event,” she added." SciNews