Tuesday, June 15, 2021

IN the NEWS - UFO/UAP Nonsense Exposed

For those who you see and hear in the media scaring people about UFO's....Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. 
 Job 2:10

"In 2019, a series of patents for the United States Navy was made

public. The technology in the patents represent a quantum leap in military technology. These are the sort of advances that would ensure the United States could defeat any near-peer rival, such as China or Russia, handily. This experimental technology, as represented in the Navy’s patents, would solidify America’s dubious position as the world’s hegemon for the next century.

The patents include plans for a high-temperature superconductor, high-frequency gravitational wave generator, a “force field-like ‘electromagnetic field generator,’” a “plasma compression fusion device,” and a hybrid aerospace/underwater craft featuring an

inertial mass reduction device.” As one credible report indicates, not only did the Navy file these patents but a working prototype was produced displayed for the leaders of the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR).

Other than the patents that were filed with the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) and some wild emails that were leaked from NAVAIR, much of the Navy’s exotic technology development remains highly classified. What is clear is that the technology in the patents, if they were ever encountered by unsuspecting people in the real world, would likely appear to be UFOs. Or, in the Pentagon’s preferred parlance, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” (UAP).

Despite the press reports on the Navy’s bizarre and highly secretive exotic technology programs, no official comment has been made. Instead, what has occurred over the last two years, has been the endless discussion of purported UAP encounters from U.S. Navy and Marine Corps

personnel. Rarely have members of the United States Armed Forces, active or retired, publicly admitted to UAP encounters.

But isn’t it strange that the most compelling UAP encounters in decades were all experienced by members of the Navy, the very same branch that has been developing the exotic, next-generation technology as described in the patents above?

Perhaps a cover story was being concocted. Wouldn’t it be better for America’s enemies to be ignorant of advanced U.S. military capabilities for as long as possible? If the UAPs the Navy has encountered did belong to a highly secretive research project embedded within the Navy itself, it makes sense that the technology would be covertly tested against America’s most advanced warfighting systems (and best-trained personnel)." WashingtonTimes