Saturday, June 5, 2021

IN the NEWS - Trudeau goes Full Gen.6:5.....all summer

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"The Justin Trudeau-led Government of Canada has announced that one month is not sufficient for the celebration of LGBT pride, and that the festivities will be extended to cover the whole season.

1 month isn’t enough to celebrate Pride in Canada!” declared his Twitter-verified ‘Free to be me’ account, an official account of the Government of Canada, alongside an emoji rainbow, gay pride flag emoji, and transgender flag emoji.

“#PrideSeason takes place from June to September with local events across the country celebrating the resilience and spirit of #LGBTQ2 people in Canada. Follow us as we highlight Pride celebrations all summer long!” the account added, alongside a digital poster exclaiming “HAPPY PRIDE SEASON!” with a Canadian maple leaf logo stylized in the colors of the new Black Lives Matter and trans movement compliant LGBT flag, incorporating black and brown stripes and the colors of the transgender pride flag." Breitbart