Monday, June 7, 2021

IN the NEWS - TERF War in Scotland?

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27

1] "TERF" is now a new acronym?
2] It seems that Western Democracies in Europe and Canada are becoming FREEDOMLESS Democracies...where freedom of speech or religion are being sacrificed on altars---altars of LGBT, Climate Change, the current big-tech set COVID Narrative of the day, abortion, etc.
"There is a free speech fight brewing in Scotland where a prominent feminist, Marion Millar, 50, has been charged with the crime of “malicious communication” due to tweets criticizing gender self-identification.  

We have previously discussed how feminists are being accused of hate speech and discrimination in these debates.  Indeed, Millar is accused of being a “terf” (a trans-exclusionary radical feminist) by critics due to her opposition to allowing males to declare themselves to be femalesShe could now face two years in jail.

Scotland has adopted particularly chilling limitations on free speech.  These controversies often involve the criminalization of political or ideological viewpoints.

What is particularly concerning in this case is that Millar was not told which of her tweets were deemed “malicious.” Millar has thousands of tweets and was told that the charge is based on tweets between 2019 and 2020.  She was simply ordered to the police station and told that social workers would be sent to care for her young twin boys, who are autistic.  After she emerged from the station, she quoted the novelist Salman Rushdie:

“Nobody has the right to not be offended. That right doesn’t exist in any declaration I have ever read.”

Millar has been a prominent critic of self-identification as a threat to women and feminist values.  This includes criticism of the Gender Recognition Act and the Hate Crime Bill. " SummitNews