Tuesday, June 29, 2021

IN the NEWS - Sign 'O the Times or Same Ole Same Ole

And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Luke 21:11

Is this a part of the Sign 'O the Times nearing---or just the same ole same ole of history as we've had many quakes and heatwaves over the centuries?......Remember---don't do Prophecy by Daily Headlines. But look at the bigger picture....a possible "ancient fault" coming to life and Record Breaking Heat. Guess we'll find out.
"Something very odd is happening around the Baltimore Metropolitan Area, where two earthquakes have been recorded in a matter of days. The occurrence of earthquakes in the metro area is rare. 
When we think of earthquakes in the US, they're usually in California, the Coastal Pacific Northwest, Alaska, Hawaii, among other hotbed areas. 

But Baltimore

WBAL-TV reports that a 2.6 magnitude earthquake rattled the area on Friday, and another 1.7 magnitude hit on Sunday. 

The last quake to strike the area was felt in 2011 when a 5.8 magnitude was recorded in Richmond, Virginia. 

Is this the awakening of an ancient fault on the East Coast in nearing?" ZeroHedge

"The Pacific Northwest is experiencing a multi-day heat wave that we said last week would be "historic." The unrelenting triple-digit temperatures shattered records across the region and have stressed out power grids where rolling blackouts have been reported. 
Bloomberg reports Avista Corporation, which supplies electricity to 340,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers, triggered its first rolling blackout across its grid after it became overloaded Monday evening......, "a "historic" heat wave was set to transform the Pacific Northwest into a furnace this weekend. It has the potential to shatter long-standing temperature records."
 And that is precisely what it did.
Major metros, such as Portland and Seattle, broke record highs by huge margins as positive temperature anomalies reached between 30 to 40 degrees." ZeroHedge