Tuesday, June 1, 2021

IN the NEWS - Sabbath keeping Church founder Dies in Plane Crash

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:
Exodus 20:10 
This woman who died founded a Sabbath keeping Church--but she also was sadly focused on the prosperity gospel as it relates to a diet plan and was anti-trinitarian....i've known of her church's existence for several years but never knew of how she discovered the Sabbath Truth ....unless she simply just picked the Bible up and read it on the topic.

"Gwen Shamblin Lara, founder of Remnant Fellowship Church and six others including her actor husband, Joe Lara, died in a small private plane crash on Saturday, May 29, 2021, after their plane likely experienced a mechanical failure, according to investigators.

Shamblin Lara is best known for her 1997 book The Weigh Down
, which sold more than 1 million copies and whose accompanying “Weigh Down Workshop” took evangelicalism by storm. At one point it had over 30,000 churches participating in weekly workshops and learning her course material and the secrets to get skinny.

The Weigh Down Diet, which is still in use today, simply consists of having people eat less food and only during certain times, instead turning to turn to God in prayer and Bible study to help them avoid overeating. 
She founded Remnant Fellowship Church in 1999, buying 40 acres and making it the staging ground for the ministry. Twenty years later, there are nearly 150 churches and only 1500 congregants between them."