Saturday, June 5, 2021

IN the NEWS - Ramifications of making Fauci your "Christ"

Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.
Proverbs 25:19
1) This could have been avoided IF these Christians would read their Bibles where it teaches to obey the government unless they try and force you violate God's Law.
2) On the Other Hand -- we know many have been lying about the pandemic. (see Fauci's
). We know now that Lockdowns don't work, that the masks without filters are near useless against COVID and that the death rate is just slightly above cold and flu numbers when adding those who got infected and never knew it or got sick (here in Indiana the IU study showed about 44% of the known infected numbers are what those numbers are--so basically take 1,000 infected and figure there were another 444, give or take, that were infected and never got sick or knew it). Now base the death count off that and the numbers are a little higher than a bad cold and flu season numbers as a percentage.
3) It is also apparent that there is some BIGOTRY against Christians by these more Leftist politicians in going after the churches while allowing Antifa, BLM and other protestors around the world to gather outside.
These are some of the Ramifications of making Fauci your "Christ"

"A congregation that was swarmed by nearly 80 police officers on Sunday, breaking up the service and even slamming one member on the ground for no discernable reason, are crying foul at the goverment’s harsh tactics that saw them raided and forcibly dispersed under threat of arrest and jail.

Mere days before this incident occurred, law enforcement came for their Pastor, Paul Furlong, who heads up Revival Church in Melbourne, Australia. He was arrested and remanded into police custody, eventually being charged with incitement.

Q: His crime
A: Releasing a video on social media threatening to have a church service on the weekend – an act prohibited by the state of Victoria. They are in the throes of a stringent statewide lockdown after a handful of people tested positive for COVID, throwing nearly 6 million people into an emergency closure.
Despite his arrest for making that status update, the church went ahead without their pastor and has a service anyway, an act of defiance that was quickly met with an overwhelming force of officers. They surrounded and barricaded the original park where was the first service was to be held, and followed them to this location after they moved to an adjacent area." Protestia