Tuesday, June 8, 2021

IN the NEWS - Chicken Sandwich Wars

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5
SIN permeates every aspect of culture---even obsessed with promoting it in the food industry.

"Burger King under the leadership of CEO Daniel Schwartz have

begun donating 40 cents for every sale of its new chicken sandwich to a radical LGBT lobby group that supports child sex changes, the drugging of children with opposite-sex hormones and Drag Queen Story Hours.

On June 3, Burger King made a cheeky tweet saying it will donate up to $250,000 of the proceeds from its new premium chicken sandwich, Ch’King, to The Human Rights Campaign (HRC),” The Hill reported. “For every hand-breaded chicken sold, 40 cents will go to the cause.”

The company emphasized that the Ch’King is available on Sunday, taking a jab at Chick-fil-A which observes the Sabbath on Sunday.”

 HRC puts out their own Drag Queen Story Hours targeting children with books about kids “transitioning” with titles such as, “When Aidan Became A Brother.”

It’s not just their politics which are garbage, according to BK’s nutritional facts all their fried chicken products are fried in unhealthy soybean oil or other garbage seed oils, which a growing body of research indicates could be responsible for all manners of diseases." NewsWars