Thursday, June 17, 2021

IN the NEWS - Admission in Edinburgh

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:3

"Priest who fought extradition from Australia admits at High Court in Edinburgh to sexually abusing two former pupils at the Fort Augustus Abbey school in the Highlands....


Denis Alexander (85) has admitted preying on the boys while teaching history at the fee paying school in the 1970s.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard today how Alexander targeted the young men in his study and during Yoga classes.

Judge Lord Burns heard how Alexander, who was a monk with the Benedictine Order, later left Scotland and became a Priest in Sydney, Australia.

But he was brought to justice after a BBC documentary called the Sins Of Our Father was aired in 2013.

Alexander’s victims saw the show and plucked up the courage to contact police who requested his extradition.

The cleric initially fought attempts to bring him back to Scotland but was returned almost three years after the extradition request was sent to Australia.

He pleaded guilty to two charges of sexual assault.

Prosecutor Jane Farquharson QC told Lord Burns that Alexander’s offending represented a small part of the sexual abuse of the children who attended the school, which closed in 1993." AbuseTracker