Sunday, June 6, 2021

Creation Moment 6/7/2021 - Which is the More Plausible Explanation?

 "After plotting the flight patterns of a water fowl known as the ruddy shelduck and tracking it to altitudes of up to 22,000 ft, researchers say it’s the world’s highest-flying duck. This duck ranges in size from about 2 to 3 lb and migrates from sea level on the Indian subcontinent north to its breeding grounds on the other side of the Himalayas. To traverse that mountain range and avoid flying over the really high peaks like Everest .... It climbs to those great heights at an impressive rate of about 2 ft 4 in per second. That equates to about 145 ft every minute on a journey where oxygen levels get increasingly lower.

A researcher observed:

This species has probably evolved a range of adaptations to be able to cope with flying so high, where oxygen levels are half those at sea level. We don’t yet know the nature of these adaptations.”
Q: But which is the more plausible explanation of the ruddy shelduck’s high-flying capabilities? 
--That they developed spontaneously over millions of years? 
--Or that the information for such capabilities, allowing them to cope with the much higher mountains after the Flood, was present from the first day flying creatures were created about 6,000 years ago?" CMI
And God created ...every winged fowl after his kind.... Genesis 1:21