Monday, June 21, 2021

Creation Moment 6/22/2021 - "Exceptions" Point to a Creative Mind

"Almost without exception the planets and their natural moons, as
well as the asteroids, all
move in the same direction around the solar system, that is, counterclockwise as seen from the north pole of the sky. 
This is also the usual direction of rotation of the planets on their axes. This much was already known before the space-age. It was also suspected, and now confirmed that all the planets out to and in­cluding Saturn had iron cores, and so it is usual to assume that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will be similar. 
This means that the density of every planet increases towards its core
and indeed this is the on­ly possible scenario that can be developed to account for planetary moments of inertia. However, not only does the density of each planet increase towards its center, but it has recently been discovered that the densities of the moons of each planet usually in­crease with proximity to their parent planet. Thus, for the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, the most dense is closest to the planet, and the least dense is furthest away.
On the basis of the above facts it is possible to suggest that the Creator was using a consistent method to produce both the solar system, the planet- moon systems and the planets themselves
---It is also of interest to note that if it had been a purely naturalistic, mechanistic process that was operating instead of the Creator, there would be no exceptions to the rule expected. 
---Instead, the fact that exceptions exist, such as the alignment of Uranus and its moons, could suggest that an individualistic Creative Mind was at work rather than purely natural forces.
The formation of the metallic iron core thus explains the term “the foundation of the earth” (Job 38:4)." CMI