Saturday, June 19, 2021

Creation Moment 6/20/2021 - Peştera Muierii 1

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27

"The entire genome from the Peştera Muierii 1 fossil was sequenced
at Uppsala University. Peştera Muierii (roughly translated to ‘women’s cave’) is a cave in southern Romania where the remains of three females were found. 
The three females who lived there about 35,000 to 40,000 Darwin-years ago are Peştera Muierii 1, Peştera Muierii 2, and Peştera Muierii 3. The results of the genetic sequence of Peştera Muierii 1 found

She is a bit more like modern-day Europeans than the individuals in Europe 5,000 years earlier, but the difference is much less than we had thought. …  she is not a direct ancestor of modern Europeans, but she is a predecessor of the hunter-gatherers that lived in Europe until the end of the last Ice Age.”

Judging by the shape of her cranium, the researchers concluded that she had similarities to “both modern humans and Neanderthals. For this reason, they assumed that she had a greater fraction of Neanderthal ancestry than other contemporaries.

The assumption was rejected by the data. The genetic research determined “that she has the same low level of Neanderthal DNA as most other individuals living in her time.” Thus, she had a high level of modern human DNA

In short, Darwinists found she was far less primitive or ‘Neanderthal-like’ than they expected. The study is also one more piece of evidence that documents the conclusion that modern humans and Neanderthals interbred. This evidence further documents the view that Neanderthals were just another people group. They were not, as was once believed, unequivocal evidence that bridged apes and humans. Darwinians had dismissed them with the pejorative label “cavemen.”

This find is also evidence that only a few genes produce the cranium traits that distinguish modern humans from Neanderthals.  In addition, this study is evidence that the amount of variation and modernity in human fossils that evolutionists believe are tens of thousands of years old is far less than evolution expected:

The researchers were also able to follow the genetic variation in Europe over the last 35,000 years and see a clear decrease in variations during the last Ice Age. The reduced genetic diversity has previously been linked to pathogenic variants in genomes being more common among populations outside of Africa, but this is in dispute.

--The genome also has created problems for evolution because
evolution supposedly requires increasing variation allowing natural selection to select for beneficial traits. 
--This is supposed to give a selection advantage to the fittest variant, and work against any variation that produces survival disadvantage.  
--Without variation and selection, evolution cannot occur. 
Less variation—as this study found—supports the creation worldview that the original perfect creation is losing members, thus less variation, due to genetic entropy. Thus the study showed that Early Upper Paleolithic European “hunter-gatherers display high genetic diversity, demonstrating that the severe loss of diversity occurred during and after the Last Glacial Maximum.”

One other key finding was “There were no significant differences in the burden of coding protein-altering variants between the ancient genomes compared to modern-day genomes…. [also] the three groups of ancient genomes (pre-LGM, post-LGM, and Neolithic) showed no significant difference from modern exomes” [the part of the genome that consists of exons, which remain after introns are removed by RNA splicing].

In addition, “none of the individual ancient exomes showed a

significant difference from modern-day exomes [and] the burden of damaging variants in these individuals was largely the same as in modern-day individuals.” These comparisons, according to the data evaluated, indicate virtually no evolution has occurred in 35,000 to 40,000 years.  

Another view that should be considered is the skeletons of the women found in the cave are not even close to 40,000 years old

In fact, the assigned 40,000-year date is actually damaging to the evolutionary worldview.

This problem is one reason why Darwinists must postulate ages beyond multi-millions, even billions of years in order to sustain their theory.  If a DNA sample 10,000 years old is found to be close to identical to modern humans the explanation is not enough time has passed to locate evidence of evolution.
One very significant finding was Peştera Muierii 1 had a stronger, more robust immune system compared to modern humans: Overall, these data suggest that [the] Peștera Muierii 1 individual was a high responder in terms of cytokine production capacity, although less than 4% of modern-day Europeans display this combination of high-cytokine polymorphisms. Considering the protective effects of high immune responses in the context of high infection burden, it is likely that this genetic makeup represents an adaptive state conferring protection against pathogenic microbes." CEH