Monday, June 14, 2021

Creation Moment 6/15/2021 - "we can only speculate what its origin is"......

"A giant star called VVV-WIT-08 exhibited a smooth, eclipse-like
drop in brightness to a depth of 97% in 2012; minimum brightness occurred in April 2012 and the total event duration was a few hundred days.
VVV-WIT-08 is a giant star located in the constellation of Sagittarius.
It may belong to a new class of ‘blinking’ binary system, where a giant star — 100 times larger than the Sun — is eclipsed once every few decades by an as-yet unseen orbital companion.
The companion, which may be another star or a planet, is surrounded by an opaque disk, which covers the giant star, causing it to disappear and reappear in the sky.
It’s amazing that we just observed a dark, large and elongated object pass between us and the distant star and we can only speculate what its origin is,”. SciNews
How about this for it's origin--- ...he made the stars also. 
Genesis 1:16.. made to do that for a reason...