Saturday, June 12, 2021

Creation Moment 6/13/2021 - More Mysteries of the Creation [D0 meson]

How might these mysteries be part of the Creator's secrets of the functioning of the universe? Could it relate to time travel? Could it relate to travel instantly through the universe? 
Could it relate at the subatomic level of manipulating the appearance of matter in some way, shape or form?
Does lucifer know how to manipulate these things?
Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents....
Exodus 7:11,12
"Physicists from the LHCb Collaboration at CERN have proved that a subatomic particle called the charm meson can switch into its
antiparticle and back again. Using data collected during the second run of the Large Hadron Collider, they’ve measured a difference in mass between the particles of 1*10-38 g.
If observed, such a difference could shed light on why the Universe is made up entirely of matter, even though matter and antimatter should have been created in equal amounts during the Big Bang.
The D0 meson is one of only four particles in the Standard Model of particle physics that can oscillate into their antimatter particles. The other three are the K0 meson and two types of B mesons.
Mesons are part of the large class of particles made up of fundamental particles called quarks, and contain one quark and one antimatter quark.
The D0 meson consists of a charm quark and an up antiquark, while its antiparticle, the anti-D0, consists of a charm antiquark and an up quark.
In the strange world of quantum physics, the D0 particle can be itself and its antiparticle at once." SciNews