Thursday, June 10, 2021

Creation Moment 6/11/2021 - Most Dangerous Book

Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. Isaiah 59:7

"No, the most dangerous book ever published is not Hitler’s book Mein Kampf; that is number 7 on the list of the ten books that most screwed up the world.

The dubious honor of number 1 belongs to Charles Darwin’s

infamous 1871 treatise, The Descent of Man. Darwin’s Descent of Man applied “survival of the fittest” to human society. This meant rejecting Genesis’ teaching that there exists only one race, the human race, because we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. Darwin replaced this long-held belief with the view that humans evolved from animal ancestors and some human races are more evolved than others.

As a result, theological ethicist Benjamin Wiker concluded, the Descent book inspired the worldwide eugenics movement which then morphed into the Holocaust. And Hitler’s Mein Kampf  “spiritualized Darwinism” which accounted for the Nazi genocidal program that resulted in the loss of life of an assortment of claimed inferior races, including 6 million Jews, 6 million Poles and a few million other “inferior” races. The death toll of World War II and a few other holocausts including those inspired by the communists, was close to 167 million." CEH