Sunday, June 6, 2021

ARCHAEOLOGY: Largest Femur Found

And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Genesis 7:12

"A huge sauropod dinosaur femur (thigh bone) from a known dinosaur ‘graveyard’ in Charente, France was recently revealed. At 6.5 ft long and weighing 1/2 ton, such a ‘big’ dino find is unusual for Europe, although this area has to date produced thousands of bones of mostly dinosaurs (of various types) and other animals, including crocodiles and turtles.

The excellent preservation of this femur was a surprise. Ronan

Allain of the National History Museum of Paris said, “We can see the insertions of muscles and tendons, and scars” which “is rare for big pieces which tend to collapse in on themselves and fragment”.

It’s in any case unlikely to see such exquisite detail if it was gradually covered over long periods of time, as the typical uniformitarian story suggests.

Moreover, the bone was “in a thick layer of clay”. 

---Since clay initially has significant water content, the femur’s good state is all the more astonishing. Water will accelerate decay, even though fossilization by permineralization requires water at first, to carry the dissolved minerals. Compression of the clay by thick layers of overlying sediment would have helped squeeze out the excess water, but that would only solve the decomposition problem if the layers were not laid down over vast ages, i.e. it had to happen before the bone decomposed.

All in all, quick burial by mineral-rich, sediment-laden Floodwaters, with ongoing sedimentation over only days or weeks rapidly depositing more layers on top, makes much more sense of this bone and the fossil ‘graveyard’ in which it was found." CMI