Friday, May 28, 2021

The word "Immortal"

"The Bible does not once testify that the soul is immortal, neither does it speak of immortal spirits. 
The word immortal is found in the Bible only once, and is then applied to God. 
Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God.  
1 Tim. i. 17 .
When the Bible states, "The wages of sin is death," the immortal soul theory says, No, it is eternal life; that is, eternal conscious misery
 If immortal in the Bible be allowed the meaning given it by Webster, ("Exempt from death; having life or being that shall never end,") then it cannot be applied to the soul; for, "The soul that sinneth it shall die;" Eze. xviii, 4."  
J.N. Loughborough