Friday, May 21, 2021

Papal Notes - Seeking Francis' Guidance

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3

"Biden administration climate czar John Kerry met with Pope Francis in a private audience last weekend, lauding the pontiff as “one of, if not the ... most powerful voices” on “climate change” ideology.
Well, the pope is one of the great voices of reason and compelling moral authority on the subject of the climate crisis,” Kerry said in an interview with Vatican News after his audience. He added that Francis’s voice will be a very important voice leading up to and through” the upcoming U.N. climate summit in Glasgow this year, which Kerry said he believes the Popeintends to attend.”
 “I think his Holiness speaks with a moral authority that is quite separate,” and “with unique authority, and that hopefully can help push people to greater ambition to get the job done,” Kerry told
Vatican News on Saturday. “He has the ability to be able to affect citizens in many different countries all at the same time,” he said about Francis, adding that “we look to him for further guidance and help in getting this job done.”