Thursday, May 20, 2021

ON the Streets of Babylon: Going Trans Apparently Hip On The Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be that going "Trans" is now hip on the Streets of Babylon....
"The Church of Sweden has claimed that it is a “trans” church in a letter addressed to transgender people and signed by nearly 1,000 clergy members and others affiliated with the church.

The authors state that the Church of Sweden is made up of many individuals, some of whom are transgender, saying: “The church is also made up of transgender people. Therefore, the Church could be described as trans.
 Church of Sweden states that “You, me, we, all need a broad feminism of solidarity that fights narrow gender norms.”
We believe in a church and a God that welcomes people beyond power, national boundaries, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity. Humanity in all colors of the rainbow, absolutely amazing and infinite in its diversity,” the authors said.
The ultra-liberal Swedish church is well-known for its embrace of progressive causes, with some of the clergy showing a fondness for Islam as well.
Archbishop Eva Brunne, for example, claimed to have more in common with Muslims than with right-wing Christians." Breitbart