Saturday, May 1, 2021

Myth of Immortal Soul Leads to MANY False Doctrines

"If it be true that man has an immortal soul that cannot die, it follows 
that he who assured our first parents in Eden that they should not surely die (Gen.3:4,5), told the truth, and a belief of the truth was the deception which brought sin into the world to destroy the peace and happiness of mankind; 
(2) that the deification of dead men and the worship of ancestors, which prevail throughout heathendom, and upon which so much of idolatry is founded, has at least some foundation; 
(3) that the saint-worship, Mariolatry, purgatory, and mass, of the the Roman Catholic and Greek churches, are true doctrines; 
(4) that the future coming of Christ, and a future general Judgment, and a resurrection of the dead, can all be set aside as unnecessary
(5) that Restorationism, Universalism, and Spiritualism can be, on this hypothesis, defended from the Scriptures
--- On the other hand, if man possesses no such undying principle by nature, as an immortal soul; if the dead are not conscious; if future eternal life depends on Christ alone, all the doctrines and practices named above, topple over as gigantic frauds, deceptions, and superstitions."
Uriah Smith  
....for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.