Monday, May 10, 2021


 Of Priests and Prophets [Jer.23 Summary]
....which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;...which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country...Vs.8,9
North Country: think out-of-spiritual Babylon.
Egypt: think out-of-the-secular world.
2 Cities of priests and prophets....
....folly in the prophets of Samaria....also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing... Vs.13,14
think of two groups in the endtimes....those of Samaria, spiritual Babylon-the Beast power and her daughters, the multiple apostate churches (remember that Samaria, capital of the 10 tribes, was of multiple tribes) 
and those of Jerusalem, God's endtime people that are supposed to be echoing His truth to the world.
Q: What does Samaria do?
A: ...they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err. Vs.13
--Total doctrinal apostasy--both by transferring the solemnity of the 7th day Sabbath to the first day of the week, the venerable day of the sun and the spiritualism stemming from the Myth of the Immortality of the soul. Both Samaria absorbed from the pagan world around them.
Q: What do some in Jerusalem do?
A: ....they commit adultery, ...they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah. Vs.14 
--Whoring around with the world--both with spiritual Samaria and spiritual Egypt and the ways thereof, even as rebellious as those of Sodom-- 
to spiritual Jerusalem
[Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.]
We all know that within Adventism we have open apostasy at websites like Spectrum and so-called Adventist Today as well as at the academic level in many cases and in NAD and parts of Europe. 
So let's apply Jer. 23 to a recent article at so-called Adventist Today Magazine by David Geelan
In his article he lists reasons why people leave the church. It is written from a view sympathetic to the why and the magazine openly agrees with those who attack the church for these positions as well as Spectrum Magazine that is dedicated to bashing the church on these points...
He states:
"Women’s ordination – people who believe that some women are called to pastoral ministry and should be in all ways equal with men in that calling.../Sexuality – people who are gay,
bi or trans and were told their very existence was wrong and excluded by both doctrine and practice..../
Recent creationism – people who find the very strong insistence on a literal 6-day creation week less than 10,000 years ago impossible to reconcile with their understanding of science. This is sometimes associated with anti-science perspectives on other issues such as the health effects of coffee or masturbation..../Desmond Ford, his treatment at Glacier View and the Investigative Judgement – people (usually old enough to have been around at the time) who accept Dr. Ford’s critique of the Investigative Judgement doctrine, and/or who believe that his treatment by the denomination at the time and later was unfair.../Exclusive truth claims – people who find it impossible, in a very large and very diverse world of almost 7.9 billion people that a small group of 22 million Adventists (about 0.3% of the global population) has the One True Way and the other 99.7% of all human beings are just wrong.../..."
Now let's view this through the Lens of Jeremiah 23 remembering that on these points in the article by Mr. Geelan that Adventist Today and Spectrum actually agree with these points of attack on the Church.
*From Samaria is where so-called Adventist Today and Spectrum Magazine gets----
--Their Ecumenical worldview (their attack on "Exclusive truth claims").
--Their hero worship of "Desmond Ford" for attacking the Investigative Judgment. A Genuine Heretic who got his error from sitting at the feet of preterists and brought it into Adventism thereby assaulting the cornerstone doctrine of the Church. If they are of the mindset that Ford is correct---why do they stay in this Church? They should be intellectually honest like those who leave the Church and--well leave rather than stay and play the part of the rustling of the leaves in the tree of the serpent...... 
IF the Truth be told the real reason other churches hate the IJ is because it drives a stake through their False soteriology [such as sacramentalsim, once-saved-always-saved, predestination, universalism and pluralism].
*From spiritual Egypt is where so-called Adventist Today and Spectrum Magazine gets----
--Their support for Darwinian Macro-evolution and long age chronology resulting in their disdain/embarrassment for/of "creationism" and Genesis 1.
--Their support for "Women’s ordination' stemming from militant feminism and not Scripture.
--Their views on "Sexuality" leading for support for the LGBT agenda in both the public arena and in the Church. They are terrified to call sin "sin". In other words, to simplify it, they are ashamed of the Word of God on the topic....but shame on them for being ashamed of the Word of God on anything. Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on, and fall therein: Vs.12
*We also have  on the other side in the Church those who preach the false prophecies of 2520 or David Gate's Time Setting Nonsense or from back in the day the awakening Camp meetings of Bob Brinsmead, etc. I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. Vs.21
And when this people, 
or the prophet
or a priest
shall ask thee, saying, What is the burden of the LORD? 
thou shalt then say unto them, What burden
I will even forsake you, saith the LORD.