Tuesday, May 11, 2021

IN the NEWS - The Wrath & Anger of the Self Absorbed Rocks Russia

 Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous... Proverbs 27:4

"On Tuesday a man described as a former student of a school in the
southwest Russian city of Kazan walked into the building and began randomly shooting young students, killing at least 8, including seven middle school students and a teacher. 
The shooting apparently went on for a lengthy amount of time given 21 others were hospitalized, according to the Associated Press, and some among the dead and wounded had jumped from a third story window while trying to escape the hail of bullets. 
Governer of the provincial republic Rustam Minnikhanov confirmed
later in the day that "The terrorist has been arrested, (he is) 19 years old. A firearm is registered in his name. Other accomplices haven't been established, an investigation is underway."
Russian media reports are also detailing that the shooter posted messages on the internet last week saying that he intended to kill a lot of people. The teen had reportedly been previously expelled from the same school." Zerohedge