Friday, May 7, 2021

IN the NEWS - Why not toss in some fries too....

I have seen the foolish taking root... Job 5:3

"....Joe Biden reach his new goal to get 70 percent of America vaccinated by the Fourth Of July
Ideas are coming fast and furious over how to entice people to line up to get “the jab.” 

Some states like New Jersey resorted to bribery by sponsoring free beer for those who comply. 
The idea is that the “vaccine hesitant” will respond to the dangling of such freebies in order to boost vaccination numbers.
One proposal that would get the federal government involved with doling out free stuff comes from MSNBC political analyst Claire McCaskill. She suggested to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky that the agency should consider holding a “prize drawing”, with one of the rewards being “a coupon for a free Big Mac” that could be redeemed at McDonald’s.
The former Democrat senator discussed her brainstorm with Walensky on Wednesday’s edition of “Morning Joe.” TrendingPolitics