Wednesday, May 12, 2021

IN the NEWS - Truth banned by the Silicon Valley

This is the current state of the world run by the silicon valley.... where Truth can't be uttered....everything is upside down where the self ordained Gate Keepers of Truth in Cyberspace are the ones with Warped imaginations...And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.  
Ecclesiastes 1:13
 "Twitter blocked Spanish MP Francisco Contreras for 12 hours for
saying that men cannot get pregnant. Contreras’ tweet came in response to a news article that reported on the case of a “pregnant man” giving birth to “his” child.
The offending tweet read simply, “That’s a lie. A man cannot get pregnant. A man has neither uterus nor ovaries.” During his suspension, Mario Noya, a Spanish journalist and author of book called ‘Why I stopped being on the left,’ tweeted his disdain for the sudden censorship of Contreras, who belongs to Vox, Spain’s conservative party." Lifesite