Saturday, May 22, 2021

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia toying with a Blood Bath

Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? 
and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia.  
Daniel 10:12

Just Imagine what would be unleashed on the world if a serious attack on Mecca's Great Mosque, especially on live tv, was to cause serious damage to this Islamic holy site....IF this was to happen---depending on the who and why--could plunge the world into a blood bath....SOMETHING TO KEEP AN EYE DURING THESE TIMES....
"Millions of people in the Middle East were shocked after witnessing
a rare security incident during a live broadcast of the sermon at Mecca's Great Mosque on Friday. 
Mecca is considered the holiest place in the Islamic world, and in recent years security has been greatly beefed up amid the continued influx of millions of pilgrims weekly, but also amid increasing threats and incidents.
As a senior imam was giving the Friday sermon, a man stormed his pulpit appearing to wield a weapon - which some commentators described as a knife (though this remains unclear). Saudi police and security immediately tackled him and dragged him away.

It's possible the newest incident was related to the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. There's widespread anger both within the kingdom and the Arab world more broadly that Saudi Arabia is perceived as on a path toward 'normalization' of ties with Israel, following the UAE signing the Abraham Accords." ZeroHedge