Tuesday, May 25, 2021

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Brings it to America's Streets

 As saith the proverb of the ancients,  
Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked:  
1 Samuel 24:13
"It happened again. 
As war raged between Hamas and Israel over there in the Middle East, we watched in horror as American Jews were beaten right here in American streets.

--On Tuesday, a gang attacked Jewish diners at a sushi restaurant in L.A. 
--Synagogues were vandalized in Skokie, Tucson, and Salt Lake.
--A Jewish man who was beaten by a mob as Israeli and Palestinian supporters clashed in Midtown Thursday evening suffered a concussion — and said he now has to “second guess wearing a yarmulke in public.”
--In West Los Angeles, men waving Palestinian flags drove in a caravan through a Jewish neighborhood, shouting slogans like “Israel kills children” through a megaphone and getting out of their cars to attack Jewish diners at tables on the sidewalk
--In Manhattan, another caravan of men with Palestinian flags drove to the Diamond District, burning one person and attacking others whom they believed to be Jewish
--Also in New York City, a gang of men chanting anti-Israel slogans harassed and spat at people eating outside.
Such violence was commonplace in 1930s Germany where the government not only failed to protect them but actually encouraged attacks on Jewish citizens, and we all know how that turned out."